Welcome to the Maryland Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects Web Site! The site is dedicated to the profession of landscape architecture. For those of you who are new to landscape architecture or want information about this exciting profession, we provide a variety of information to help get you stared. For landscape architects and members of the Maryland Chapter, this site offers invaluable resources to assist you in your daily activities and to plan for your future growth. Landscape architecture is the art and science of analysis, planning, design, management, preservation and rehabilitation of the land. The profession of landscape architecture is seen in a wide range of specialties and interacts with many related professions. Some of the more common specialties within

Maryland are site planning, environmental restoration, urban design, parks and recreation and site-specific landscape design. All practitioners share a genuine interest to preserve our natural resources and create livable spaces that promote the quality of life for the individuals who use them. The Maryland Chapter provides several important commodities for its members. The chapter produces a series of newsletters, monthly programs and a variety of committee activities that provide valuable education and enrichment opportunities, while promoting the profession. Attend any of the monthly programs or educational seminars and you will be able to network with design professionals and affiliates from across the state. Our legislative committee monitors important legislation and works to promote our profession within the legislator and among related professions. Our chapter is one of the few chapters to host a LARE review session that help landscape architects to be prepared to take this exam. The awards banquet recognizes projects that promote design excellence within the profession. The list goes on and on and I invite you to explore this site and view the variety of activities that this chapter does. Like the earth itself, this site is, and always will be evolving. We hope that you visit it regularly and use it on a regular basis. Our goal for this site is that it becomes a venue for communication among the design profession and a way to educate the public about this great profession. We welcome you comments, suggestions and contributions to this site. Vernon

Hustead President